Belmont Park Pavilion, 162 Barrabool Rd, Belmont 3216 VIC Australia
The JourneyFortunately, prostate cancer is usually slow growing, meaning that in most cases there is plenty of time to research treatment options and to make decisions. |
Early DiagnosisIf caught early, while localised (within the gland or locally advanced (outside the gland or pelvic lymph nodes), prostate cancer is often curable. The cancer may be discovered at an advanced stage (metastatic, i.e. migrated to distant lymph nodes, bone, or liver / lungs) - or it may recur after primary treatment. In these cases, the treatment goal changes to extending survival (often for decades) with sequential and / or combination treatments, while preserving quality of life. There can be many points of entry and exit in the journey after initial diagnosis.
| Later DiagonsisIf not caught early, the journey through multiple stages can be an extended one. There are now many resources available to guide and support men at all stages of their prostate cancer journey. This all means that there are good reasons to be positive, and to become ‘an empowered patient’ -